Thursday, May 22, 2014

WordMat v. 1.07 released

This is a quick fix release.
Scientific notation was broken in v. 1.06.

A few other minor improvements for units was also implemented.

Unit warning

Though this version solves equations the same whether units are on or off. Only turn on units if you actually need it. Many variables are reserved and you will experience problems if you use them as normal variables.
The reserved variables that often cause problems are all the one letter units:
A - Ampere
C - Coulomb
F - Farad
H - Henry
J - Joule
K - Kelvin
L - Liter
N - Newton
S - Siemens
T - Tesla
V - Volt
W - Watt
g - gram
m - meters
u - mass unit

These equations will then fail when units are on:
    E = m g h
    sin(C) = 1/2

Whenever you solve an equation and units are on. WordMat now checks for these variables. WordMat supports a lot more units and combined with all the prefixes the list is very long. But now WordMat checks the most troublesome.

If you experience a strange problem. Check if units are on! 

Below are some general tips on using lists not related to this version in particular.

Hint: Listseparator

You can set your desired list separator in settings, but regardless WordMat tries to spot list separation from the context.
A comma is always a listseparator if there isn't numbers on both sides of the comma, even if comma is set as the decimalseparator.
Examples for the following settings:  listseparator as semikolon and decimalseparator as comma

  f(2,3) is a function of one variable of the number 2,3
  f(2, 3) is a function of two variables of the two numbers 2 and 3   (The space after the comma makes it a decimal separator)

Using Lists

A list is an ordered set. The elements are enclosed in square brackets
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Lists has many applications. In many operations you can use lists just as you would numbers:
Example 1: list as argument to a function

Example 2: Operations on lists

Example 3: Referencing items in a list
These examples require a special setting: Go to settings | Notation | Subscript   checkmark 'Is list/matrix index'

FYI this index method to reference items in a list also works for vectors and matrices. Though these needs two indexes l1, 1

Example 4: Maxima list functions
You can access all the builtin functions of Maxima.
There are many more functions to manipulate lists. To see all Maxima functions,  find the following in the right side of the WordMat menu: Manual | 'Help for Maxima commands'

Example 5: Converting tables to lists
In the WordMat menu find 'Table'. Below there are two functions to convert a table to a list and reverse.
Place the cursor in a table and press 'Table -> list'
A table is always converted to a nested list:
Once you have the list you can manipulate it according to the methods described above, and then convert it back to a table.

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