Sunday, February 19, 2017

WordMat for Mac - Word 2016 released

Finally you can download the new version for Mac for Word 2016.
The code behind the Windows and Mac version is now from the same code base and hence the version numbers will be the same for Windows and Mac. It is planned that future releases for Windows and Mac will happen simultaneously. The current version is called v. 1.11

Also with this version WordMat is now 100% translated into english, and partially to spanish. The code has been prepared for translation into other languages. If you wish to contribute by translating WordMat completely or partially into your native language - send me an email.

This version also brings a popular function to the front of the menu. You can open a LaTex template from the WordMat menu and start creating LaTex documents using Word.

Get the new version here:


  1. Thank you for the brilliant and extremely useful work you provide!
    To my knowledge there is no better CAS-tool for Highschool-level math.

  2. i have a problem!!! i tried to uninstall wordmat from my mac, but no matter what i do it still appears in the word menu bar.
    i even tried to reinstalled word but nothing helps.
    what should i do ??

    1. Under applications/wordMat2016 there is an uninstall script you can run.
      There is also a document describing the location of all files installed. Deleting the file wordMatwinmac.dotm will remove WordMat from Word.

  3. No matter what I do or which version I install for my Mac, the folder will appear in Applications folder, but the add on will not show up in Word.
    Any thoughts?

  4. Hej Mikael
    Er der mulighed for at kunne bruge WordMat på Chrome books engang i den nærmere fremtid?
    Vh Birthe Jørgensen

  5. Hej Michael
    Vi er en Mac-partner efterskole, hvor alle elever kører Mac. Men vi har i år store problemer med at få installeret WordMat. Styresystem og Office2016 er opdateret til nyeste version. Installationen er ok og programmet fremgår af skabelonen. Men får compile error når vi forsøger at starte med Alt M. Hvad gør vi?

  6. Jeg har en del kursister samt undervisere med samme problem. Følgende er forsøgt:
    1. Afinstaller WordMat -> Office Pakken virker
    2. Afinstaller Office Pakken samt WordMat og installer igen, Word fejler ved opstart (kompileringsfejl).
    Det virker til at det er en fejl der opstår efter den sidste Office opdatering (sikkerhedsopdatering).

  7. OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan med Word Version 15.16 (151105) virker Wordmat ikke. der er forsøgt med at fjerne alle mapper samt geninstallere uden ændring. Wordmat menuen kommer ikke frem i Word ved opstart.

  8. Er det muligt at hente gamle versioner af Wordmat et sted til når Apple ikke længere supporterer opdatering af OS og jeg derfor ikke kan opdatere til nyeste office pakke?
